smile is a
facial expressionformed by flexing those
muscles most notably near both ends of the
mouth. The smile can also be found around the
eyes. Among
humans, it is
customarily an expression denoting
pleasure, happiness, or
amusement, but can also be an involuntary expression of
anxiety, in which case it is known as a
grimace. Cross-cultural studies have shown that smiling is used as a means of communicating emotions throughout the world. Happiness is most often the motivating cause of a smile. Among
animals, the exposure of
teeth, which may bear a resemblance to a smile, is often used as a
threat or warning display known as a
snarl or a sign of
submission. In
chimpanzees, it can also be a sign of
fear. The study of smiles is a part of
gelotology, psychology, and linguistics, comprising various theories of affect, humor, and laughter.
we're always smile like nuthink wrong... make people appy with us... we're always care of other's heart,, but who want to care 'bout our heart?? hmm... life is not always perfect... peace...